Woman doing sports with a gymnastic ball.

Online Regression Course — For New Mothers

FIT after giving birth

Keleya’s online post­na­tal trai­ning cour­se pro­vi­des post­na­tal post­na­tal exer­ci­s­es and tips. The cour­se con­tent is easi­ly con­vey­ed with vide­os, audio con­tent and artic­les and helps to pre­vent long-term birth-rela­ted con­se­quen­ces such as pel­vic flo­or pro­blems.

You can use the digi­tal regres­si­on cour­se any­ti­me, any­whe­re, all you need is a com­pu­ter or lap­top and a sta­ble inter­net con­nec­tion. In addi­ti­on, you can repeat the con­tent at any time for 12 months free of char­ge and thus increase the trai­ning effect even more.

Keleya’s online regression course

Regression that is fun and has a lasting effect

What is the content of the online training course?

The fol­lo­wing 8 modu­les are available to the par­ti­ci­pan­ts:

Modu­le 1 “The pel­vic flo­or per­cep­ti­on”:

Here you will learn how the pel­vic flo­or is ana­to­mic­al­ly struc­tu­red and what its func­tions are. You will learn simp­le exer­ci­s­es for tar­ge­ted awa­re­ness of the pel­vic flo­or. You can start with this modu­le in the puer­pe­ri­um, but plea­se cla­ri­fy this with your mid­wi­fe, obste­tri­ci­an or doc­tor in advan­ce.

Modu­le 2 “The pel­vic flo­or streng­thening”:

Here you will learn spe­ci­fic exer­ci­s­es to streng­then the pel­vic flo­or, the lower abdo­men and the back mus­cles. You can start the­se exer­ci­s­es about 6–8 weeks after a natu­ral birth and 8–12 weeks after a caesare­an birth.

Modu­le 3 “Streng­thening the late­ral abdo­mi­nal mus­cles”:

With the­se exer­ci­s­es you sta­bi­li­ze your abdo­mi­nal mus­cles and train the late­ral abdo­mi­nal mus­cles. You will also learn what dia­sta­sis rec­ti is and how to feel it.

Modu­le 4 “Streng­thening and rela­xing the back”:

In the­se exer­ci­s­es you streng­then, mobi­li­ze and stretch your back mus­cles in a tar­ge­ted man­ner. This ensu­res an upright pos­tu­re. In addi­ti­on, you reli­e­ve and relax the neck, should­er and back are­as stres­sed by breast­fee­ding and car­ry­ing the child and pre­vent back pain.

Modu­le 5 “Impro­ving balan­ce and body awa­re­ness”:

With the­se exer­ci­s­es you streng­then your balan­ce, impro­ve your body awa­re­ness and your coor­di­na­ti­on. In this way you can playful­ly sta­bi­li­ze the deep mus­cles and the pel­vic flo­or. This helps you to per­cei­ve your own cen­ter bet­ter and, in the truest sen­se of the word, to come clo­ser to your cen­ter.

Modu­le 6 “Lon­ger Work­outs”:

In this modu­le the­re are exer­ci­s­es from the first two modu­les as pure work­outs, with no theo­re­ti­cal expl­ana­ti­ons in bet­ween.

Modu­le 7 “The ana­to­my of the pel­vic flo­or and tips for ever­y­day life”:

Here you will find an intro­duc­tion to the ana­to­my of the pel­vic flo­or and useful pel­vic flo­or tips for ever­y­day life with a baby.

Modu­le 8 “Fur­ther useful infor­ma­ti­on”:

More exci­ting infor­ma­ti­on awaits you in this modu­le in the form of artic­les and pod­casts. For exam­p­le, mid­wi­fe, fami­ly and social the­ra­pist, Annie Jua­na-Vic­to­ria Alfan­de­ga speaks on a pod­cast about pre- and post­na­tal depression.

More infor­ma­ti­on is available here:

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