Torso of a pregnant couple, children's shoes on their laps, sitting on a bench.

Keleya’s digital antenatal class

Prepare yourself optimally for childbirth!

Start your birth pre­pa­ra­ti­on today with our Keleya ante­na­tal cour­se.
We have deve­lo­ped the con­tent for you with a diver­se team of mid­wi­ves, gyneco­lo­gists and pre- and post­na­tal experts. You will recei­ve tail­or-made tips for your pregnan­cy, child­birth and the puer­pe­ri­um and you will be ide­al­ly prepared.


Birth Preparation Course 

by Keleya

Prepare yourself optimally for childbirth!

Here you can find a few insights into our modules and topics:

1st modu­le: pregnancy

Chan­ge in the 2nd tri­mes­ter
Chan­ge in the 3rd tri­mes­ter
Pro­mo­ti­on of edu­ca­ti­on and deve­lo­p­ment of paren­ting skills
Breathing exer­ci­s­es and mas­sa­ge tech­ni­ques
Medi­ta­ti­on and breathing tech­ni­ques for pregnan­cy and child­birth
Sexua­li­ty in Pregnan­cy
Birth pre­pa­ra­ti­on mea­su­res in the 3rd tri­mes­ter
Medi­ta­ti­on and mindful­ness
Natu­ral pain reli­e­vers
Twin pregnan­cy
What hap­pens in the 3rd trimester

2. Modu­le: Pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the birth

place of birth
Cli­nic bag
Signs for the begin­ning of the birth
Pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the puer­pe­ri­um
The choice of the place of birth
Check­list: Pack­ing list for the cli­nic
What types of onset of labor are the­re?
14 mid­wi­fe tips for pre­pa­ring for birth
Birth pre­pa­ra­ti­on with Hyp­no­Birt­hing
Tips for pre­pa­ring for a caesare­an sec­tion delivery

3rd modu­le: The birth

“Fit for Birth” work­out
The stages of child­birth
Tips for giving birth
Birth posi­ti­ons
PDA and pain reli­e­vers
Ope­ra­ti­ve birth methods, gent­le birth-reli­e­ving mea­su­res
What pha­ses are the­re and what hap­pens during them?
Der Vor­teil von Was­ser unter der Geburt
The begin­ning of the birth
Caesare­an sec­tion on request

4th modu­le: After the birth

First hours + days after the birth
First aid, exami­na­ti­ons and pro­phy­la­xis for the baby
Baby care and hand­ling
The baby care
What does the after­ca­re mid­wi­fe do?
Tips for a rela­xed puer­pe­ri­um

5th modu­le: Breast­fee­ding

Tips for start­ing breast­fee­ding
Stumb­ling blocks in breast­fee­ding
Have you ever thought about breast­fee­ding?
Stumb­ling blocks in breastfeeding

6th modu­le: Coro­na — pregnan­cy and childbirth

Pregnan­cy and coro­na­vi­rus
24 ques­ti­ons about pregnan­cy, child­birth and the puer­pe­ri­um in the Coro­na peri­od.
How do I find a mid­wi­fe?
How dan­ge­rous is the coro­na virus for pregnant women, child­bea­ring women and newborns?

More infor­ma­ti­on is available here:

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