Father with a child on his shoulders.

Hey Papa — The partner birth preparation course

Here is the birth preparation for dads!

With the Hey Papa cour­se you will beco­me a good birth part­ner and learn important things for the first time with baby.

In four cle­ar­ly laid out modu­les con­sis­ting of 7 vide­os, 6 pod­casts, 6 check­lists and 6 artic­les plus bonus mate­ri­al, you will find out ever­y­thing you should know about beco­ming a father. You get clear con­tent, available any­ti­me and any­whe­re, unli­mi­t­ed use for 12 months — no sub­scrip­ti­on trap.

Hey Papa

The partner antenatal course

by Keleya

Here is the birth preparation for dads!

What you can expect from the Hey Papa course:

Help with worries and fears from our mid­wi­ves
Sup­port­i­ve part­ner yoga exer­ci­s­es
How can you accom­pa­ny your part­ner during the birth
How do you grow into the role of a father
Paren­tal lea­ve regu­la­ti­ons, legal mat­ters and things worth kno­wing about loo­king for a kin­der­gar­ten place
Sexua­li­ty during pregnan­cy and after­wards with Dr. med. Shei­la de Liz
Pack­ing list for the cli­nic bag
Appli­ca­ti­ons and to-do’s befo­re the birth
Initi­al equip­ment for the baby
Baby equip­ment: what do you real­ly need?
Which place of birth is the right one? From Dr. med. Judith Bildau
Mid­wi­fe tips
The puer­pe­ri­um, tips from mid­wi­fe Amme­lie Suer­mann
Baby care with mid­wi­fe Helen Mulsow

Why do you even need a prenatal class for fathers?

Your wife is pregnant, you are beco­ming a fami­ly and you do not know what to expect? The­re is a lot of infor­ma­ti­on about pregnan­cy, child­birth, child­birth and the first time with a baby and you don’t know what is right for you as par­ents-to-be? Per­haps you are asking yours­elf ques­ti­ons such as: “Whe­re can we find a mid­wi­fe?”, “Does“ man ”need a birth pre­pa­ra­ti­on cour­se?”, “Which admi­nis­tra­ti­ve pro­ce­du­res are neces­sa­ry and which cli­nic is the best?”, Many fathers-to-be also ask them­sel­ves what the chal­lenges are Approa­ching her with a new­born in the first time and what hap­pens to the rela­ti­onship as a cou­ple. Per­haps you are also a litt­le afraid of beco­ming a father?

Do not worry! With the Hey Papa part­ner birth pre­pa­ra­ti­on cour­se from Keleya, we accom­pa­ny you through this exci­ting time and all chal­lenges. You will learn how to best sup­port your part­ner during pregnan­cy, child­birth and after­wards. You will also recei­ve simp­le and valuable tips from our mid­wi­fe Helen on deal­ing with pain in labor and valuable infor­ma­ti­on on baby care. This makes it easy for you to beco­me a relia­ble birth part­ner and baby pro­fes­sio­nal! After all, good pre­pa­ra­ti­on is ever­y­thing — we are here for you.

More infor­ma­ti­on is available here:

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