Praxisstart - the course for doctors in self-employment

Preparation for the practice with

How do I start as a doctor in the practice?

Learn the most important basics for your start in prac­ti­ce with our online cour­se. Regis­ter now at with the pro­mo­ti­on codeMEDIMENTUM2022″ and get a 20% dis­count.

Becau­se doc­tors are not just doc­tors. By the way, you are also a mana­ger, accoun­tant, exe­cu­ti­ve, HR mana­ger, fami­ly man, entre­pre­neur and much more. As part of our online cour­se, we have put tog­e­ther the most important infor­ma­ti­on for you in com­pact form so that you are pre­pared for your start in practice.

What is it about?

Do you want to sett­le down, but hard­ly have time for tho­rough pre­pa­ra­ti­on? In the online cour­se “Mein Pra­xis­start” you will learn the most important buil­ding blocks in small lear­ning units to sim­pli­fy your start in the out­pa­ti­ent sec­tor. It does­n’t mat­ter whe­ther you want to take over a prac­ti­ce, set up a prac­ti­ce or start in a branch. 

What’s in it?

In inter­ac­ti­ve e‑learning lear­ning units, you will find out up-to-date know­ledge about the branch and useful check­lists on the fol­lo­wing topics:

  • Foun­ding & taking over a practice
  • Finan­cing
  • Prac­ti­ce management
  • Accoun­ting
  • Human Resour­ces Management
  • Mar­ke­ting
  • Law & Taxation

Even cheaper with “MEDIMENTUM2022”

Ever­y­thing for a suc­cessful start in prac­ti­ce in one cour­se, even che­a­per. Sim­ply enter the pro­mo­ti­on codeMEDIMENTUM2022″ when regis­tering and recei­ve a 20% dis­count.

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